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​​​​​Angel Mist Bamboo

  • Common Name: Angel Mist Bamboo (other common names: Dendrocalamus, Ghost Bamboo 'Amoenus')
  • Scientific Name: Dendrocalamus minor ‘Amoenus’
  • Family Name: Poaceae
  • Origin: Guangxi, Southern China
  • Height: 30’ – 40’
  • Width: 8’ – 10’
  • Growth: fast
  • Zone: 9A - 11
  • Light Needs: Full Sun-Partial Shade-Light Shade
  • Salt Tolerance:  unknown
  • Soil/PH/Texture: adaptable to most soils, gritty, well-drained, alkaline tolerant. It is quite tolerant of varying soil conditions, but it does like mulch and composted horse manure, it works wonders for bamboos.
  • Soil Moisture: prefers consistently moist soil
  • Drought Tolerance: low
  • Pests/Diseases: mostly insect and disease resistant, watch for aphids.
  • Growing Conditions: easy to grow and low maintenance, lower culms have very few branches, so pruning is not an issue.
  • Characteristics: This bamboo has a white powdery coating on the newer culms and if planted where the moon will shine on it, makes it seem as if to "glow," living up to one of its common names, Ghost Bamboo. It is tight clumping, culms can get up to 3.25 inch diameter, young culms appear a misty blue due to a waxy, [white] powdery bloom, over the lime-green culms that have irregular dark green stripes when young, as they mature the culms become dark green with irregular stripes & yellow striations on olive yellow highly polished-looking culms.
  • Propagation: by dividing the root ball, rhizomes, tubers, or bulbs
  • Wildlife: unknown
  • Facts: occasionally used in light craftwork and light construction projects.
  • Designer Considerations: use for a windbreak, shade, privacy hedge or border, avenue planting, or in a container for your patio or deck.

Angel Mist Bamboo
