CALL US +1.772.337.1959
Photographer Registration

​Etiquette for taking photographs in The Gardens and required Photographer Registration form.

NOTE:  The Photographer Registration Form is required for all Professional Photographers and not visitors taking pictures of the Gardens during their visit.

Picture Gallery - Coming Soon

Our Picture Gallery is full of beautiful pictures of our gardens, events

​and the wonderful volunteers who help to make it all possible.

Multi Media

The Gardens Gate Newsletter

​Check out what's up and happening at the Port st. Lucie Botanical Gardens.

Our newsletters are always full of useful information, gardening tips,

upcoming events,  lot of pictures and much, much more.

Video Gallery

​Enjoy videos about Happenings at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens,

City of Port St. Lucie "Tips from The Gardens" and the informative series

from the Master Gardners' "Master Your Garden".