Little Harv Bromeliad

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Bromeliad Island Garden

Little Harv Bromeliad

Aechmea Little Harv

  • Common name: Little Harv
  • Scientific Name: Aechmea Little Harv
  • Family: Bromeliaceae
  • Origin: Though the genus originates from South America, Little Harv itself was hybridized in South Florida by Bullis Bromeliads
  • Height: 2-4 feet
  • Width: 2-3 feet
  • Growth: Slow
  • Zone: 10a-11
  • Light needs: Partial shade – full sun, with full sun preferred.
  • Salt Tolerance: Low
  • Soil/PH/Texture: Slightly acidic – slightly alkaline soil/substrate (pH 6.1-7.8); needs moist, well-drained soil/substrate.
  • Moisture: Humidity tolerant. Needs moderate watering to fill “cup” in its center, and a moist substrate to grow in or on
  • Drought tolerance: Low
  • Pests/Diseases: Not particularly vulnerable to pests/diseases
  • Growing conditions: Grows best in sunny or slightly shady areas. Can be grown as a houseplant. Does best in moist, humid areas. Water cup in its center should be flushed out weekly. It is epiphytic – it does not absorb nutrients through its roots, but through the air and its water cup, so it can attach to and live on other plants.
  • Characteristics: Little Harv has long, glossy green leaves with silver undersides. There are small, sharp spines along the edges of the leaves, so it should be handled with caution. Tips of the leaves may turn magenta. The floral scape grows from the center and is a bright magenta or salmon color with yellow blooms. The leaves grow out radially from the center, creating a cup shape that collects water.
  • Propagation: By offsets (pups)
  • Wildlife: Water cup may attract water-laying bugs.
  • Facts: Little Harv was first hybridized in 1978 from the bromeliad Aechmea chantinii. It is a large bromeliad and can grow over four feet tall. Its leaves turn a vibrant magenta in sunny areas.
  • Designer considerations: Little Harv is a large, showy plant that can add color to drab areas. Since it is an epiphyte, it can be a beautiful addition on trees. It can also be colorful ground cover for humid, sunny areas.